After generating a scenario in the platform there are many details provided for further analysis including Resilience Opportunity (RO) Efficiency, management distribution, and project details such as acreage and cost.
Project Details
Once you have created a scenario, the projects generated will be listed in order of their priority in the left-hand panel. Project 1 will be the priority project based on RO, followed by Project 2, and so on depending on the number of projects generated. The ‘Completed Scenario’ page provides a map display of the Planning Area with the projects displayed by color and the polygons contained within it shaded by RO impact.
You can view many of the scenario details by selecting the ‘Project Details’ icon on the left-hand panel. The ‘Project Details’ window provides summary metrics for each project as well as the whole set of projects. The pop-up summary provides a chart indicating the project’s RO efficiency versus a cumulative distribution function (CDF) which ignores spatial distribution and calculates how much RO could be obtained. CDF represents an idealized efficiency, one that is not strictly achievable because the RO is geographically dispersed across your landscape such that no feasible set of projects would achieve all available RO. The pop-up summary chart provides the RO efficiency curve for all projects combined, per-project, and per objective.
The pop-up also provides information about land ownership ratio, management method ratios, timber and biomass product benefit estimates, treatment costs, and finally, comparison charts of the project acreage and costs versus the originally chosen constraints for the Scenario.
Management Unit Statistics
The completed scenario page provides functionality to inspect individual polygons within the Planning Area, and is available for both optimized scenarios and consensus scenarios. Click on the header for ‘Management Unit Statistics’ at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, at which point the boundaries for each management unit will become highlighted in white. Clicking in any unit delineated by that white boundary will call up key details related to contribution to overall RO, various treatment options, and logistical aspects of treatment such as road and mill distance and slope.